Monday, February 21, 2011

Nestlé saves the day

So in my post yesterday I unwittingly forgot to mention a crucial detail. Holger's key chain looks important. In addition to the Vespa key, house key and Toureg key, it has a Credit Suisse key on it with a bunch of numbers that mysteriously change every twenty seconds.

So someone finds the key chain lying on the sidewalk where it must have fallen out of my pocket when I was walking Gillian. This person takes a look at the key chain and observes this is no ordinary key chain and looks (loose translaton from German) "very important." Given this fact, the key chain finder rationally decides not to take the keys to the police.
Instead, he takes them to...

Because the keys looked "very important."

I am still considering what this mini study in human psychology says about either German police stations or Nestlé generally or the fact that both the police officer and the Nestlé employee I spoke with found this chain of analysis perfectly logical. But, I am glad to know Holger's keys are now in a safe place.


  1. Ha! How did Nestle track you down? And are they in the habit of accepting lost and found items?

  2. Can you believe it? When I called the police, they told me my keys were in the custody of... Nestle. I am just dumbfounded. how does anyone come up with that idea?? Thank you for reading my blog. Holger taunts me that I have no comments.

  3. I have been wanting to comment since first reading the story. But frankly, I was struck speechless at the entire craziness of it all, and this update just is the cherry on top! Please, Terrian, please, turn this into a book one day so I can say I knew you when! :)

  4. I find it so funny they took it to Nestle. HAHA - maybe I should be giving Nestle a call to track down my iphone? haha
